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      How To Install Laravel 5 And Above In MAC

      Laravel is one of popular framework to build applications in PHP. There are many reasons, why it’s popular that’s another topic of discussion. In this article, I will help the community on how to setup Laravel in Mac.

      Requirements to install Laravel:

      • PHP version between 5.6.4 & 7.1.*
      • OpenSSL PHP Extension
      • PDO PHP Extension
      • Mbstring PHP Extension
      • Tokenizer PHP Extension
      • XML PHP Extension

      With above requirements, Laravel utilizes composer to manage dependencies. Install composer first.

      Guide you how to setup Laravel and composer in macOS.

      Composer installation Steps:

      - php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
      - php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '55d6ead61b29c7bdee5cccfb50076874187bd9f21f65d8991d46ec5cc90518f447387fb9f76ebae1fbbacf329e583e30') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
      - php composer-setup.php
      - php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
      - php composer-setup.php –install-dir=bin

      Now check if composer is installed successfully by using ‘composer’ in

      install laravel 5 & above in mac

      NOTE : If Composer Not Found then Move composer file in bin directory using below command

      => mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

      1) Go to your MAMP directory (Applications/MAMP/htdocs) using
      “cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/” command in terminal

      install laravel 5 & above in mac

      2) Run command “composer create-project laravel/laravel laraveltest”. It will take some time to load composer repositories and update dependencies.

      3) In command type ‘laraveltest’. Laraveltest will be the project name or you can change it the project name.

      install laravel 5 & above in mac


      local host laravel

      1) Move .htaccess from public to root folder.

      2) Rename server.php to index.php in root folder.

      local host laravel

      Voila !!! You just installed Laravel framework on Mac !!! If this was not successful and need more help, please mention your issues in comment section and we will try to assist you.

      cmsMinds is a PHP web development agency based in Raleigh,NC with expertise in cms and custom application development. Contact us today!

      Author's Bio

      Vishal Sharma
      Vishal Sharma

      With a decade of WordPress development and 5 years in project and team management, Vishal Sharma stands as a pillar of expertise and innovation. His active participation and speaking engagements within the WordPress community underscore a deep commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering growth. Trust Vishal to deliver unparalleled digital experiences rooted in a rich blend of creativity, technical skill, and leadership.

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