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      How To Create Attractive Landing Page For Reducing Bounce Rate?

      What is bounce rate?

      When a visitor leaves the site without visiting inner page, it is known as bounce.Percentage ratio of bounce visitors with respect to total visitors is called Bounce Rate.

      Something is not right when only few visitors from thousands of visitors’ land on inner pages of the site. It is always landing page that attracts and keeps the users engaged on the website.

      To decrease the Bounce Rate, landing page must be attractive and easy enough to understand for users. Thus, landing page is the most important section of the website than rest of the pages of the whole site.

      Header, footer, container, and sidebars must be separated from each other so that it is easy to identify them.

      Landing Page content should be clean with separate blocks of Isolated information. Such as Testimonials, About Us, Product Slider, Highlighted Products, Services Short Info, Image Gallery, Contact Information etc.

      Paragraphs of that block should be thin and properly aligned. It looks cool if image elements of block and paragraph pair is arranged with proper margin or padding. Paragraphs of Information must be short. It should be followed by “Read More” link which will links to the separate page, for detailed information.

      Users or Visitors will always expect relevant information through smooth and easy search. Short descriptive and well highlighted content encourage the users to visit an inner page.

      Responsive And Supportive On All Platform
      In the era of rapidly changing technologies, there are various kind of devices to send and receive the information. Display size of different devices vary from one device to another.

      Now a day’s majority of users use smaller devices instead of laptop and computers. Page design must be responsive in a way that all the display information must look well arranged and well structured irrespective of small or large screen size and orientation.

      Make Call-To-Action Creative
      Buttons and links play an important role to attract visitors on a landing page. Creative effects and properly arranged contents and actions will help decrease Bounce Rate. There should be different design for different actions i.e. on Hover, on Keypress, Active etc.

      Surveys have reflected that creative Call-To-Action helps in improving poor bounce rate to improve badly raised Bounce Rate.

      Use Parallax To Express Effective Information
      Important content presented with parallax on Landing Page makes site alive and interesting. Parallax is way to express meaning of content creatively. Animation on scroll catches an attention and focus of users towards important data or Call-To-Action elements easily. Current trend of web design hits more on parallax to attract users and to reduce Bounce Rate instantly.

      Give Importance To High-Value Keywords Traffic
      Make your information relevant and unique and use high-value keywords for the targeted market. Refreshing content for users is very effective. Use feedback form or Subscribe form, which help us collect users’ interest in the site. We can use this feedback information to update or write content based on the feedback and interest and accordingly make changes to website from the feed backs.

      cmsMinds is a Raleigh based web development company with full stack development team with expertise in web design and development services. Please let us know how cmsMinds can assist you on your next project.

      Author's Bio

      Ujjawal Laddha
      Ujjawal Laddha

      Ujjawal Laddha is a Business Growth Strategist at cmsMinds, where he excels in aligning technology solutions with business needs. With a knack for compelling storytelling and user-centric design, Ujjawal takes technical precision up a notch. He aims to educate on CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal & Shopify, to help you take informed decisions for web development success.

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